Friday, July 5, 2013



Sounds crazy!!! Right?

But that is really possible and i have achieved it. You don't believe me?OK!! Let me explain this to you.

Everyone knows that you type something to search and then the pages having top page ranks are shown as result.For example we search for code for threaded binary tree.Then the sites having codes of threaded binary tree and having high page rank will be shown on the first page.Suppose you also have a website/blog which has code for threaded binary tree,then why isn't your blog/website on the first page?The reason is that these top websites/blog contain ample of text and related data regarding codes.Not to scare you but a blog with high rank may have around 500+ posts minimum.And you have only 20+ posts,then how  you can expect to be on first page?

So would you fight people having swords with a needle? You may not be able to mark your presence.Are you thinking of writing 500+ posts and then expecting a good rank? Well till you write 500 others may write at least 300 or more.The point is they will be still ahead.And just having a large number of posts doesn't guarantee a good rank.It also depends on the quality of content.If you are trying to increase the number of posts blindly and hurriedly,the quality of content is bound to go down.Enough!!! It seems as if it is impossible.No wait!!! It is possible and here is the most awaited secret to be on the first page of Google.

The procedure i am telling here may cause constipation to some of the readers but please at least think over it once.You have less content,you are new.So you can't beat top rank giants for now but later you may. What i am explaining is that you can't reach to the top if your bog has only contents that are searched heavily as there  are others better than you.Don't get disappointed.Keep posting all the articles of your interest.Since we cannot drive traffic directly on our posts for highly searched keywords,we will generate it in an indirect manner.Think of a keyword that is searched less frequently and less people pay attention to writing on it.You all most got it! Now you have to write superbly on this keyword and related topics.By doing this you can certainly get a high rank as there are less number of people in competition.Trust me you can really come on to Google's first page for at least that keyword search in 3 days even if you have only 20+ posts.

Now you have a good rank(at least for less frequently searched keyword) and obviously there will be some traffic.Your next job is to make the visitor spend more time on your blog/website.So have links on your posts pointing to other posts(as i have).Also if the visitor is impressed by your writing and work,he may explore the blog/website and may see the code for threaded binary tree(suppose he/she likes coding).This is just an example.He may find lots of useful stuff which he wouldn't  have seen just because you rank lower for that particular keyword search.God bless you and he may recommend your blog/website to his/her friends. This will increase your traffic slowly but steadily and one day you will be able to lock horns with the high rank pages for heavily searched keywords also.

Do you want the keywords that can help you reach the Google's first page within no time? Well!! My suggestion is that think yourself as you are smart enough and anybody will hardly help you on this as everyone wants to sit on the top.I do have a few keywords of this kind in my mind but i would give them to you only after a brief discussion with you.It's just to ensure that the keyword doesn't go for a waste and you do the right job for that keyword to get on Google's first page.

All the best.

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